1. How are you different from tutoring?

Tutoring simply attempts to reteach material that should already have been learned but was not. Before investing in tutoring, you should ask, “Why didn’t he learn this the first time it was presented?” Unless the answer is obvious (such as missing school for an extended period of time), tutoring will likely be a frustrating and expensive choice. BVerve is radically different. We seek solutions with a different question: “How strong is his or her ability to learn?” In fact, testing designed to measure individual mental skills reveals that the majority of learning or reading difficulties among students is due to identifiable (and trainable) cognitive skill weaknesses. Our testing and training strengthens these key underlying mental skills that are essential for easy, fast learning across all subjects. If skills weakness is a root cause of your child’s learning struggle, tutoring simply can not correct it.


2. What exactly is cognitive skills training?

BVerve focuses on training underlying cognitive skills that impact the ease of learning. We provide nonacademic training procedures that quickly strengthen the brain’s core mental abilities (i.e., processing speed, attention, memory, auditory and visual processing, and reasoning). These key skills are every student’s foundation for successful learning and, if overlooked, can create lifelong problems. Throughout training, students are paired with their own private brain trainer. Through this one-on-one relationship, each session can be individualized and adjusted to your child’s needs and progress. Bverve’s various training programs are designed to produce big improvements quickly.


3. Whom can you help?

We can help anyone who wants to learn, read, and think faster and easier. Our training exercises the brain in the same way that a fitness coach works your muscles, and results are similar—more strength to accomplish the task. We love to help anyone looking for an edge: students facing new challenges in preschool through college, career professionals, or those simply wanting to keep or refresh their mental edge for a fun, productive life. The training is truly life changing for students who struggle to learn, read, or pay attention. After training is complete, students regularly enjoy enhanced skills, improved grades, skyrocketing self-esteem, and increased confidence. This frequently leads to a restored love of learning.


4. Can you help my child with ADD?

In many cases, yes! At BVerve, our programs target and strengthen the weak cognitive skills associated with ADD/ADHD. Based on neuroscientific research, attention is a cognitive skill set that can be improved and developed. Traditionally, schools attempt to help students with ADD/ADHD with accommodations such as removing distractions, reducing workload, or isolating students into quiet areas. This may allow better performance temporarily but does nothing to develop the cognitive skill of attention long-term.


5. How can attention be developed?

Neuroscience shows that by targeting and stimulating the underactive region of the brain responsible for the characteristics of inattention, attention can be strengthened. Therefore, the correct approach is the opposite of the usual accommodations. Attention develops when a person performs a task requiring attention while exposed to structured, distracting stimuli. This kind of intensity and distraction is at the core of BVerve’s brain training exercises that are aimed at improving attention. Children and adults with ADHD benefit when the cognitive deficits associated with this disorder are strengthened. Bverve’s brain training—not accommodations—provides that opportunity.


6. Are learning struggles a phase my child will outgrow?

The answer in most situations is no. Children and teens (and even adults) who struggle to learn or read do so for a reason, and in the majority of cases that reason has to do with cognitive skills. In fact, studies show that 80% of all learning struggles are caused by weak cognitive skills and, while weak cognitive skills are not automatically strengthened by time, they can be strengthened. At BVerve, we assess incoming client with the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Skills. This allows us to identify, target, and improve the specific weak skills that are at the root of reading and learning struggles. The result? Dramatic, measurable and lasting improvements in mental performance for our clients of all ages.


7. How do you help a poor reader?

Many students do not bring sufficient cognitive skills to the task of learning to read quickly and efficiently. Even if the reading code (letter sounds and combinations) is taught completely and sequentially, a student with a severe auditory processing deficiency who cannot concentrate adequately, works too slowly, has poor memory skills, or cannot create good mental images, will complete lessons very slowly or exhibit poor retention. When stronger cognitive skills are in place, however, students learn rapidly, read faster, and retain more as they read.
We also use targeted direct remedial teaching of explicit phonics to improved decoding skills.
PREP and BrainRX training (a revolutionary ‘sound-to-code’ accelerated reading program offered exclusively through BVerve’s Brain Training Centers) is integrated with, and provided in conjunction with, other cognitive enhancement training. Students immediately strengthen auditory processing skills, the most critical skills required to read effectively. Building a strong cognitive skill foundation ensures that students will have the tools required to efficiently learn and use the reading and spelling code in the specific program. The training is delivered through one-on-one training with a certified cognitive skills trainer over approximately 12 weeks. Beginning readers quickly establish good fundamental auditory and reading skills. Struggling students, upon beginning the program, see significant improvements quickly. Past frustrations and failures are naturally overcome. For these students, BVerve training truly offers a second chance at fun, efficient reading.


8. Is BVerve a Special School?

No, Verve isn’t a special school. It is centers that provides after school support. If a child has a learning disability, just being part of a classroom or enrolling the child in tuition doesn’t help. At Verve, we have trained teachers who tutor the child 1 to 1. It is a remedial centre that would enrich the child’s learning.


9. Why is the Fee structure high?

The Fee structure of VERVE is fairly high due to extremely low teacher child ratio, the resources needed to execute such a program and the teacher profiles recruited. Hence, for the institute to sustain itself financially, fees have to be fairly high. However, we would not like to limit admission to children from wealthy families alone. If a child cannot afford the fees, some concession can be provided.


10. Is this institute suitable to all?

We provide remedial help to children as well as adults. We cater to the needs of all individuals who have the need for remedial work in any specific area


We offer assistance to children as well as adults with:


  • Specific Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia)
  • Mild Autism
  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
  • Development Dyslexia
  • Education Therapy for children, adolescents and adults


11. What curriculum do you follow?

Our Curriculum Instruction is Systematic, Explicit, Sequential and Structured


  • Phonics based reading instruction which incorporates Orton Gilligham's Phonic Program and Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing for Reading, Spelling and Speech (LIPS).
  • Multi Sensory method of learning letter-sound association
  • Explicit teaching of Reading Comprehension Strategies and Written Expression strategies.
  • Dr. J. P. Das's COGENT (Pre-Primary) COGnition ENhancemenT program.
  • PREP Program (Pass Reading Enhancement Programme) for developing reading, spelling and comprehension skills in primary children.
  • Primary Mathematics is taught based on the Montessori Method.
  • Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment Programme (FIE)- basic IE and Level 1 IE - by Professor Reuven Feuerstein to improve the children's thinking capacity.
  • All teaching is carried out using Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) methodology
  • Incorporates Brain Gym exercises.
  • Teaches Rosner's Visual Perception exercises and Auditory perception exercises


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